

  2014FY 2015FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY
Emergency Cases 2,910 2,541 3,348 3,415 3,763
Endoscopy Upper Endoscopy Test/Treatment 1,314 1,319 1,319 1,434 3,479
Lower Endoscopy Test/Treatment 676 791 797 995 1,447
Bronchoscope 187 179 171 169 219
Cholecystoscopy Test/Treatment 175 191 213 254 307
Cardiology Heart Catheterization 1,283 1,296 1,190 1,149 1,080
PCI 678 694 656 685 652
PMI 82 90 97 99 93
PMR 24 35 31 38 31
Ablation 68 84 126 164 176
Surgery Cardiovascular Surgery 258 256 249 296 300
General Thoracic Surgery 183 186 164 160 167
Gastrointestinal Surgery 427 481 529 553 568
Neurosurgery 249 234 239 217 230
Breast Surgery 148 146 140 157 113
Gynecology 110 89 90 128 167
Reconstructive Surgery 52 59 131 104 85
Anesthesiology 1,379 1,444 1,544 1,589 1,636

Number of Patients (yearly)

  2014FY 2015FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY
Number of Inpatients 71,379 71,248 81,187 84,553 84,536
Number of New Inpatients 6,394 6,451 6,981 7,047 7,511
Average Length of Stay 11.7 11.1 12.8 12.8 11.9
Bed Turnover Rate (%) 96.8 93.7 92.7 95.9 95.2
Number of Outpatients 58,334 56,517 59,179 71,018 80,421

※Diabetes and Endocrinology Dept. and Nephrology Dept. have been moved to Shin Koga Clinic Diabetes Center since April 2011.